C & V Associates handles Family Law ( national and international ),Civil/Corporate Litigation including mediation, Arbitration and debt recoveries and advice in areas of corporate finance, banking, financial services, consumer finance, and securities law related issues amongst others. C & V Associates also interacts with regulator and administrative bodies like SEBI, RBI, CLB, BIFR, AAIFR etc. exercising quasi-judicial and administrative law functions. The firm also handles matters pertaining to Administrative and Constitutional Law, Company Law, Banking and Financial Services, Intellectual Property and Copy Right Law, Joint Venture and Technology Transfer, Cyber Laws, Mergers and Acquisitions, Industrial and Labour Law, Property Law, Debt Recovery Law, Energy Law.
Our Hallmark is teamwork, thoroughness and an understanding of client's business and their respective industry sector. At C & V Associates, we combine the legal expertise with an appreciation of the commercial environment in which clients operate with imagination and creativity. Here we offer advice and practical solutions to the client problems, assisting them in their analysis and decision making as required.
"C & V Associates has formed its foundation upon a Law Office being established in the year 1999 with an objective of providing superior legal service and advice to the people and society in various legal fields. The firm is fully engaged in active litigation and providing comprehensive legal solutions with an objective to provide quality and efficient services to its clients. Ms. Chandrani Prasad is the sole founder of the firm and looking after and managing affairs of the firm and has been practicing law in the Indian Courts including Supreme Court of India, High Courts, District Courts and other Judicial Forum and tribunals."
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C & V Associates
New Delhi-110049. India
MOB. NO. +91 9810599376
Phone: 011-40522400, 011-35640092, 011-49120902
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